Apco have created an innovative wing that brings something new to our sports.
Combining elements of single-surface and double-surface wings means advantages
from both….
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Magazine: Cross Country magazine

Hybrid at Coupe Icare 2018 – Rock the Outdoor magazine
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Magazine: Rock the Outdoor – Coupe Icare 2018

Apco explore un nouveau concept, celui d’une aile partiellement mono-surface,
et redéfinit ce que nous pouvons attendre d’une aile à utiliser au moteur. Plein de curiosité, « PM+ » a pu essayer le premier exemplaire arrivé sur le sol français.
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PARAMOTEUR+ Magazine Reviews the Apco Hybrid (French)

Yes, the wing flys great. Went flying Saturday morning early for an
hour and half with my son. We both have Green Eagles. Turned 64 last
Wednesday and can’t believe I waited so long.  The Lift EU II is a great
wing. That was only my 14th flight. Thanks,  David.


David Whiting – USA

“THIS IS THE SECOND iteration of Apco’s Force, which sits above the Lift EZ in Apco’s specialist paramotor wing range. Designed to be an all-rounder it has been created with classic competition performance in mind rather than hooning round pylons; they have the NRG Pro if that’s your thang.

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Apco Force II Paramotor wing review in XC Mag

French | English
Italian | German

February 2016

French | English
Italian | German

April 2018

16 January 2018

We were recently asked about the agility of the wings we fly (Apco Lift). Quite often Lift is considered to be stable and fast but not very agile wing. However, the true character of the wing is revealed when you use the main brakes and the small side ones together. Wing changes its behaviour drastically and follows your inputs instantly. Wingovers are not a problem at all and the wing goes into deep spiral easily.

Youtube Link: Апко Лифт. Управление ушной и основной клевантой

Apco Lift Video Review

Hi there Apco

Thank you for manufacturing an outstanding wing. Due to the whether I had the opportunity to fly my new Lift EU 400 on Saturday morning.

What a pleasure. Not what I expected. The wing came up with no surprises at all. Just sit there waiting for the next command. In flight the wing is responsive with the best glide ratio. Landing the trike was really very easy with minimal input.

The wing was really worth the wait.

All I can say is good luck improving on this wing.

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Lionel Schlebusch

I’ve owned.. Snakes, Doberman 2, Flown Viper 4 & Paramania GTX and honestly feel NRG Pro 2 is the cream from them all!

Thank you #apco through your drive for continuous development you have taken the NRG next level! 🙂
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Pilot Comment: Casey, Australia