Test report DHV 97 Apco Presta S  
Type Apco Presta S
Certificate-No DHV GS-01-0954-02
Holder of certificate Apco Aviation Ltd.
Manufacturer Apco Aviation Ltd.
Classification 1-2 GH
Winch tow Yes
Number of seats min / Number of seats max 1 / 1
Accelerator? Yes
Trimmers? No
  Behaviour at min weight in flight(79 Kg) Behaviour at max weight in flight(99 Kg)
Take off 1-2 1-2
Inflation evenly, immediately evenly, immediately
Rising behaviour immediately comes over pilot immediately comes over pilot
Take off speed average average
Take off handling easy easy
Straight flight 1 1-2
Trim speed [km/h] 35 37
Accelerated speed [km/h] 0 47
Roll damping high high
Turn handling 1-2 1-2
Spin tendency slight slight
Control travel average average
Agility average average
Symmetric stall 1-2 1-2
Deep-stall limit average 60 cm - 75 cm average 60 cm - 75 cm
Full stall limit average 65 cm - 80 cm average 65 cm - 80 cm
Increase in steering power high high
Front collapse 1-2 1-2
Pre-acceleration average slight
Opening behaviour spontaneous, delayed spontaneous, quickly
Front collapse (accelerated) - 1-2
Pre-acceleration - slight
Opening behaviour - spontaneous, delayed
Asymmetric collapse 1-2 1-2
Turn tendency 90 - 180 degrees 90 - 180 degrees
Rate of turn slight slight
with deceleration with deceleration
Loss of altitude slight slight
Stabilization spontaneous countersteering easy
Opening behaviour spontaneous, quickly spontaneous, quickly
Asymmetric collapse (accelerated) - 1-2
Turn tendency - 90 - 180 degrees
Rate of turn - slight
- with deceleration
Loss of altitude - slight
Stabilization - spontaneous
Opening behaviour - spontaneous, quickly
Countersteering an asymmetric collapse 1-2 1-2
Stabilization countersteering easy countersteering easy
Control travel average average
Control pressure increase high high
Turn in opposite direction easy, no tendency to stall easy, no tendency to stall
Opening behaviour spontaneous, quickly spontaneous, quickly
Full stall, symm. exit 1-2 1-2
Full stall, asymm. exit 1-2 1-2
Spin out of straight flight 1-2 1-2
Spin out of turn 1-2 1-2
Spiral dive 1-2 1-2
Entry easy easy
Spin tendency slight slight
Exit spontaneous spontaneous
B-line stall 1 1
Entry easy easy
Exit spontaneous spontaneous
Landing 1-2 1-2
Landing behaviour easy easy
Supplementary remarks
08.04.2004 10:38:14