Flow Aligned Ribs (FAR – pat. pending) is a conceptual change in the way paragliders have been designed until today (Apco and the rest of the industry).

Traditionally, due to a paragliders curvature / anhedral, ribs progressively become less and less aligned to the angle of airflow on the wing as you move closer to the wingtip.

The FAR concept is, to gradually change the angle of the ribs so that they are aligned with the flow across the span of the wing. On wings designed using FAR, the ribs are positioned as normal on the centre of the wing, and gradually change direction towards the tips of the wing.

With the FAR rib layout, air flows over the wing without crossing ribs, and the flow “sees” the designed profile and not a distorted shape as it used to be until today.

Wings designed using FAR, result in the cleanest most efficient airflow over the glider, reducing drag, minimising turbulent airflow and therefore increasing lift / performance.


For a greater understanding of the FAR design principle, watch the animation below…

We believe that this concept will be embraced by the entire paragliding industry and that in a few years all wings will be designed in this way, as it is the correct way!

This concept will gradually be implemented into our entire range of wings!

The Flow Aligned Ribs is another example of Apco Aviation setting future standards.

Read the FAR review on the XC Mag Website