Here is my feedback on the F5. I flew it 10x – 3 on Trike and 7 on foot launch.

It launches very easy on the trike or footlaunch. The lightweight fabric helps a ton and it feels like a lightweight version of the EZR to me with some F3 in it. Good climb rate on takeoff, easy to control.
The risers take some getting used to, due to all the ropes, which make them less rigid than our other APCO wings. trimmers are easy to use and smooth compared to previous wings.
It flies great – it is surprisingly fast and really fun. I clocked 37 mph at trim neutral. The mohawk actually does completely eliminate roll oscillations no matter what you’re doing. I couldn’t get the thing to oscillate not matter what I did. I also did some wingovers on it (trike and footlaunch) and it still can do them, but comes back stable. It feels extremely safe to me.
I would absolutely recommend this to students over the EZR.
I love the trimmer magnets, but they tend to catch the speedbar sister clips and it can be confusing for people to figure out what they’re looking at.
I hope this helps,


Pilot Comment :: F5 :: Ryan

I’ve been flying the Apco F5 and, to put it briefly, I’m absolutely in love with it. It’s quite similar to the F3, but more forgiving. I also let two of my skilled students fly the wing, and both of them have made it their favorite. One of them bought an F3 from one of our customers who has stopped flying, but he’s also considering getting an F5 in addition to his F3. Based on our tests, we’ve decided to make the F5 our preferred wing for students and the F3 for more advanced pilots. Consequently, we’re planning to focus on the F5 instead of the Lift EZ series. The Lift EZ has a slightly more durable combination of fabric materials, but it’s also a bit heavier and has less energy in the landing. Therefore, the F5 is our preferred wing for students and new pilots.

Pilot Comment :: F5 :: Trond Nyman Aarre, Norway

I was lucky enough to be able to test the new F5 from APCO, I was delighted with the ease of inflation it has, with just a little breeze and just by taking a step back it goes up on its own, without having to use the A lines. , the SRS system on the risers makes it much easier to control the wing when it is overhead!
The flight is incredibly stable, the controls are very smooth and with good reaction; It seems incredible, but the Mohawk, as the central rudder that the F5 has has been called, works very well, both when starting and maintaining turns and when exiting them, making this sail very stable and allowing us to evolve safely.
The trimmers are very easy to use and slide very well.
When applying the speed bar at 100% with the trimmers open, the wing remains very safe and firm in its trajectory.
It really is a very safe wing for pilots who want to fly without problems and for students who want to evolve and take that extra step safely.

Pilot Commnet :: F5 :: Gabriel Gallego

F3 :: Video Review :: by <a href="">Johnny Tech Gear</a>

Marlon Jonat Reviews the F3

F3 :: Video Review :: Marlon Jonat

Der F3 basiert auf dem F1, er ist laut Hersteller allerdings handlicher und einfacher zu fliegen als der F1. Der F3, der während der Entwicklung von Apco den Spitznamen „Kleiner Bruder des F1“ erhielt, wurde aufgrund des Erfolgs des F1 konzipiert und…(read more)

F3 Review :: Paramotor Mag :: German

I have the Apco Lift EZ-R. Small size. Been flying it for abour 18 months both foot launch and on my flash trike. I have about 18 yrs paramotor flying experience. I love this wing. First this is not an A wing it is definitely more of a B and It certainly IS 2 wings in one. I have the most advanced riser set up. With trim closed and only using brakes, this is a school wing and I love the fact that take off an landing feels like cheating as it is so easy but still pretty dinamic. Once i am In the air I seldom use the brakes. I open full trim and fly with the tip steering toggles. It becomes a different sporty and fast and fun wing. I is fast to keep up with my friends on 3 hour cross country flights and efficient as i use same or less gas. My engine is a moster 185 vitorazzi. I would definitely recommend this wing as a great investment first wing as it is all around what you will need in the first 3-5 years. I have spent a lot of money repairing equip on failed lauches when i had twichy advanced wings on take off. you name it props, cages.. as one tiny over correction and you end up in the ground. Frustrated not able to fly and a big repair bill. Get the Lift and that will not happen!! I certainly wish a wing like this would’ve existed when I started flying.

Pilot Review :: LIFT EZ-R :: Marcelo Lagos

Marlon Jonat, erfolgreicher Vlogger und äußerst talentierter Pilot, hat mit seinem Video über den F1 von Apco in der Szene für Furore gesorgt. PARAMOTOR hat ihn zu seiner Leidenschaft befragt und auch private Dinge aus seinem Leben erfahren …
Interview von Norbert Aprissnig
Read the full Interview / Review here…

F1 :: Review :: Paramotor Mag (German)